
ACL News

IESS recaudó más de 129 millones en Manabí

IESS collected more than 129 million in Manabí

IESS collected more than 129 million in Manabí In the first quarter of 2023, the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS) in Manabí collected $129,305,529.69 in payroll contributions and employer arrears, resources that allow it to

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SRI logra 99% de su meta de recaudación trimestral

IRS achieves 99% of its quarterly collection goal

SRI achieves 99% of its quarterly collection goal The general director of the SRI, Francisco Briones, emphasized that thanks to the efforts in strengthening and innovating control strategies implemented this year, the SRI has achieved 99% of its quarterly collection goal.

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SRI obtiene sentencias condenatorias

SRI obtains convictions

SRI obtains convictions The rulings correspond to crimes such as breaking of seals, usurpation of functions and ghost companies. The Internal Revenue Service (SRI) obtained several convictions against taxpayers who committed crimes such as

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